He Rourou Whai Painga
He Rourou Whai Painga brings together cutting-edge New Zealand science and the Food and Beverage (F&B) industry to show that consuming an eating pattern of high-quality predominantly New Zealand-produced food and beverages offers health benefits to consumers and their families.
He Rourou Whai Painga refers to a basket of nourishing, high-value food and reflects the Māori name gifted to the High-Value Nutrition Science Challenge (Ko Ngā Kai Whai Painga) and a well-known whakataukī:
Nāku te rourou, nāu te rourou, ka ora ai te iwi
With my contribution and yours, the people will thrive.
Decreasing the burden of metabolic disease
HRWP represents a $4 million investment in decreasing the burden of metabolic diseases such as heart disease and diabetes.
The study is partnering with members of the F&B industry, who are taking ownership of New Zealand’s metabolic health issues by investing their own resources into the study. Industry partners range from large producers to SMEs.
Ensuring benefit for the New Zealand Food and Beverage industry
The vitality and sustainability of the Aotearoa New Zealand F&B sector is of critical importance to the New Zealand economy, and to the health of the New Zealand population.
HRWP has the potential to increase New Zealand F&B domestic and export markets:
- Providing high-quality scientific data to tell the story of the unique health benefits of consuming a dietary pattern of predominantly New Zealand foods.
- Demonstrating the value of eating a diet of New Zealand grown and produced foods.
- Providing consumers with science-based assurance of the benefits of New Zealand food and beverages.
- The opportunity for F&B industry to be involved in a social enterprise activity that addresses health concerns in New Zealand.

Study design
- 200 participants across four centres: Auckland, Christchurch, Wellington and Kokiri Marae in Lower Hutt.
- A 12-week dietary intervention with a focus on plant-based foods such as vegetables, legumes, fruits, whole grains and cereals, nuts and seeds, olive oil and a moderate intake of seafood.
- Participants will be monitored for 12 months and will receive support throughout the study, including
- Targeted nutrition support
- Guidance on food preparation
- Recipe ideas
- Social media groups to connect with other study participants in their community
Whole-whānau approach
HRWP is a uniquely New Zealand study and takes a whole-whānau approach – participants will bring their family with them on this journey, setting them up for long-term adoption of a healthy dietary pattern. Whānau members are also included in key measurements.
Vision Mātauranga
The study is in underpinned by Vision Mātauranga and focused on values including:
- A study population enriched for Māori and their whānau
- Kaupapa Māori wellbeing assessment
- Capability and capacity building for Māori researchers
- Engaging with Māori F&B partners
He Rourou Whai Painga Leadership Team
- Professor Jeremy Krebs (Principal Investigator; Department of Medicine, University of Otago, Wellington and Centre for Endocrine, Diabetes and Obesity Research (CEDOR), Wellington)
- Professor Richard Gearry (Department of Medicine, University of Otago, Christchurch)
- Dr Andrea Braakhuis (Department of Nutrition & Dietetics, University of Auckland)
- Dr Denise Conroy (Plant & Food Research, Mt Albert Research Centre, Auckland)
- Dr Fiona Lithander ( Liggins Institute and Department of Nutrition & Dietetics, University of Auckland)
- Prof Mark Weatherall (Department of Medicine, University of Otago, Wellington)
- Dr Troy Merry (Department of Nutrition & Dietetics, University of Auckland)
- Dr Anna Rolleston (The Centre for Health, Tauranga)
- Arohaina Owen (High-Value Nutrition Ko Ngā Kai Whai Painga National Science Challenge)
- Cheryl Davies (Tu Kotahi Maori Asthma and Research Trust, Lower Hutt)
- Cecelia Ross (Centre for Endocrine, Diabetes and Obesity Research (CEDOR), Wellington)
- Dr Amber Parry Strong (Centre for Endocrine, Diabetes and Obesity Research (CEDOR), Wellington)
- Dr Rajshri Roy (Department of Nutrition & Dietetics, University of Auckland)
Industry partners
Meat Industry Association
Olives NZ
Participant recruitment is complete. The study will be complete in June 2024.