
News from High-Value Nutrition Ko Ngā Kai Whai Painga

Foodomics 2019

Foodomics 2019 is where the country’s researchers and businesses taking premium foods for health and wellbeing to the world gather to collaborate, learn about the latest research and opportunities and network.

Graphic depicting HVN’s Systems Nutrition Approach. At centre is Systems Nutrition Approach, which is then surrounded by the HVN themes: Immune Health; Infant Health; Digestive Health; Metabolic Health. Circling those themes are Path to Market; Science of Food; Consumer Insights.

Workshops offer insight to inform 5-year science plan

High-Value Nutrition has completed a successful stakeholder planning project, with 114 participants offering their insight and perspective on the Challenge’s science direction for the next five years at a series of workshops held late last year.

$1 million research partnership with Maori business cluster

High-Value Nutrition National Science Challenge has partnered with Nuku ki te Puku, a cluster of Māori-owned food and beverage businesses, in a $1m project to prototype how Māori businesses and some of the country’s top researchers can share science and cultural expertise to collaborate on the development of new food for health products for export.