
News from High-Value Nutrition Ko Ngā Kai Whai Painga

Webinar: Top IP tips for functional foods

Recently the Riddet Institute hosted a quick-fire, lunch'n learn 30 minute HVN Science of Food webinar - the first of a series exploring IP trends and insights in the functional food space. Watch the webinar here. The first webinar covered an introduction to IP –...

Towards a second Nutrition Transition…HVN can lead the way

‘Nutrition Transition’ was a concept first proposed by the distinguished American scientist Barry Popkin in 1993 to describe the shift from a ‘traditional’ diet rich in plant-based food and fiber to one that is high in sugar, fats and animal products – the typical...

HVN highlights functional benefits to boost exports

HVN Challenge Director Joanne Todd highlighted three prominent studies - kiwifruit, wagyu beef and greenshell mussels - conducted as part of the Challenge when recently speaking at the Healthy Ageing APAC Summit. The High-Value Nutrition National Science Challenge...