News from High-Value Nutrition Ko Ngā Kai Whai Painga
In praise of the mussel and foods from the shoreline…and the Cawthron Institute – a powerhouse of New Zealand science and innovation
By Richard Mithen, High-Value Nutrition National Science Challenge Chief Scientist One of the great privileges of my job as Chief Scientist of HVN is having the opportunity to visit the many centres of science excellence in New Zealand. It was a particular pleasure...
Webinar: Top IP tips for functional foods
Recently the Riddet Institute hosted a quick-fire, lunch'n learn 30 minute HVN Science of Food webinar - the first of a series exploring IP trends and insights in the functional food space. Watch the webinar here. The first webinar covered an introduction to IP –...
New research to investigate the digestive health benefits of a novel NZ dairy protein formulation
A research team led by Dr Dulantha Ulluwishewa from AgResearch Ltd has received an investment of $100,000 from the High-Value Nutrition (HVN) National Science Challenge and industry partner Quantec Limited for a new study to investigate whether a novel bovine milk...
Red meat no worse, no better than soy protein for heart disease risk
Three weekly servings of fresh, unprocessed red meat over eight weeks neither lowers nor raises heart disease risk in already at-risk men, findings from a novel New Zealand study suggest. And here’s the kicker: soy protein has equal – that is, neutral – effects on...
Novel research to study the health benefits of Greenshell™ mussels awarded further funding
Dr Matt Miller from the Cawthron Institute has received an investment of $1,000,000 from the High-Value Nutrition (HVN) National Science Challenge and industry partners for a second programme of research to investigate the anti-inflammatory properties and other...
$1.1M to be invested into Māori-led research to establish two new highly functional natural foods
This investment by the High-Value Nutrition (HVN) National Science Challenge and industry partners will seek to establish two new highly functional natural foods - Karengo (a type of edible seaweed) and Mamaku (tree fern). The HVN Challenge is a mission-led...
Towards a second Nutrition Transition…HVN can lead the way
‘Nutrition Transition’ was a concept first proposed by the distinguished American scientist Barry Popkin in 1993 to describe the shift from a ‘traditional’ diet rich in plant-based food and fiber to one that is high in sugar, fats and animal products – the typical...
HVN highlights functional benefits to boost exports
HVN Challenge Director Joanne Todd highlighted three prominent studies - kiwifruit, wagyu beef and greenshell mussels - conducted as part of the Challenge when recently speaking at the Healthy Ageing APAC Summit. The High-Value Nutrition National Science Challenge...
High-Value Nutrition National Science Challenge announces $3.5M new investment for consumer and food science research
The High-Value Nutrition National Science Challenge has today announced a $3.5 million research investment funding for two Research Programmes, which are in addition to the four programmes previously announced in June. The new programmes will foster strong science...
High-Value Nutrition National Science Challenge announces $22.4M investment for health research
The High-Value Nutrition National Science Challenge has today announced a $22.4 million research investment funding for four successful Priority Research Programmes; which are all science and business collaborations, and will each receive research investment over...