News from High-Value Nutrition Ko Ngā Kai Whai Painga
Congratulations to NutraIngredients-Asia Awards 2020 winners
Congratulations! to our HVN Industry Partners Anagenix and Ārepa who have won awards at the NutraIngredients-Asia Awards 2020, where the region's brightest and best products, ingredients and projects were announced via a live online broadcast. Anagenix won the...
New video – Distinguished Professor Harjinder Singh talks about HVN’s Science of Food
Watch Distinguished Professor Harjinder Singh describe how High-Value Nutrition's Science of Food's Enabling Programme is a key part of the HVN Challenge and its focus on economic benefits for Aotearoa New Zealand. With thanks to the University of Auckland's Media...
Read about HVN’s Māori-led research into Mamaku Whakaoraora
HVN is supporting a collaborative research project into Mamaku Whakaoraora, an indigenous tree fern, led by Dr John Monro, Principal Scientist at Plant & Food Research. Mamaku Whakaoraora will provide an evidence-based foundation for establishing Mamaku...
Te Wiki o te Reo Māori – Read about HVN’s Māori-led research into karengo
HVN is supporting a collaborative research project with commercial partners Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu, Wakatū Incorporation and the Cawthron Institute into the anti-inflammatory benefits of karengo, a group of edible seaweeds. Read more...
Te Wiki o te Reo Māori
Today is Māori Language Day and commemorates the presentation of the 1972 Māori language petition to parliament. The theme for 2020's Māori Language week is Kia Kaha te Reo Māori. Kia kaha | Be Strong. Mahuru Māori is an initiative that began in 2017 to promote the...
HVN Chief Scientist’s Inaugural Lecture
Our very own HVN Chief Scientist Professor Richard Mithen will be giving his (rescheduled) inaugural lecture on Tuesday 13 October and he will share stories from his career and reflect on some of the challenging issues that we are facing today in food and health...
New – Māori Post-graduate Scholarship Opportunities
HVN has funding available to support post-graduate (Masters or PhD) research projects that align with the Challenge’s purposeful investment in Food for Health research with a Systems Nutrition approach, Capacity Building to support high-value food sectors, and its...
Applications are open for the 2020 Aotearoa New Zealand PM’s Science Prizes
Entries for the 2020 round of the Prime Minister’s Science Prizes are now open. There are five prizes in total, with a combined value of $1,000,000. These prizes recognise the impact of science on New Zealanders’ lives, celebrate the achievements of current...
Watch Professor Nicole Roy talk about the importance of understanding the microbiome in the gut
Watch Professor Nicole Roy, HVN Science Theme Leader for the Challenge's Digestive Health Priority Research Programme, talk about how her team's research investigates the microbiome in the gut and aims to understand ways to optimize gut function to assist people...
COVID-19 and the way ahead for HVN
In June, Koi Tū: The Centre for Informed Futures based at the University of Auckland and led by Sir Peter Gluckman published their report THE FUTURE OF FOOD & THE PRIMARY SECTOR: THE JOURNEY TO SUSTAINABILITY. This is an excellent report that discusses many...