
News from High-Value Nutrition Ko Ngā Kai Whai Painga

FlavoPlus: a Riddet Institute functional food innovation

Riddet Institute scientists have recently invented a new technology to manufacture a composite ingredient called FlavoPlus™. This ingredient can be incorporated into functional food products to increase their flavonoid content. National Science Challenge HVN...

Message from our Board Chair – Bob Major

The Covid-19 pandemic that has dominated the last 12 months has changed all our lives in many different ways, and we who are engaged in the High-Value Nutrition (HVN) National Science Challenge, Ko Ngā Kai Whai Painga, have faced the same uncertainty, fears and...

Congratulations to Dr Simone Bayer!

Dr Simone Bayer was recently awarded the New Zealand Society of Gastroenterology Inc's Young Investigator award at the Gastro2020 Conference awards dinner for her paper COMFORT-PSYKI: Psyllium and SunGold® kiwifruit are equally effective treatments of constipation...

New Patent Insights Report – Metabolic Health

The latest HVN Science of Food's Patent Insights Report into Metabolic Health shows that there is very strong continued growth in metabolic-related patents, and that the demand in HVN's key export markets is strong. Below is a summary of the Metabolic Health Patent...