News from High-Value Nutrition Ko Ngā Kai Whai Painga
FlavoPlus: a Riddet Institute functional food innovation
Riddet Institute scientists have recently invented a new technology to manufacture a composite ingredient called FlavoPlus™. This ingredient can be incorporated into functional food products to increase their flavonoid content. National Science Challenge HVN...
Gold, frankincense and myrrh – thoughts from our HVN Chief Scientist, Professor Richard Mithen
High value plant-based resins, and some other Christmas gifts Gold, frankincense, and myrrh - the Christmas presents from the Three Wise Men, the Magi, to the infant Christ. I am not sure how much the new-born infant himself appreciated them, but I’m sure his Mum...
Message from our Board Chair – Bob Major
The Covid-19 pandemic that has dominated the last 12 months has changed all our lives in many different ways, and we who are engaged in the High-Value Nutrition (HVN) National Science Challenge, Ko Ngā Kai Whai Painga, have faced the same uncertainty, fears and...
HVN SLT member Professor Clare Wall recently gave her inaugural lecture
On Wednesday 2 December HVN Science Leadership Team member Professor Clare Wall gave her inaugural lecture at the University of Auckland titled ‘The accidental academic’. Clare shared with the audience her career journey, where she started as a clinical dietician...
Congratulations to Pamela von Hurst who has been promoted to Professor
Pamela von Hurst from the School of Sport, Exercise and Nutrition at Massey University has been promoted to Professor. Pamela is Co-Director of the Massey Vitamin D Research Centre, which she helped establish in 2010. Her research interests include vitamin D in...
Free Online Seminar – Immune Enhancing Foods in the face of Covid-19
The Riddet Institute-led High-Value Nutrition Science of Food programme is hosting a free online seminar to support high-value nutrition export success. Listen to Dr Peter Brown (Consultant IP Synergy), Dr Olivier Gasser (Immunologist, Malaghan Institute) and...
Can a New Zealand-made fruit drink help repair lung damage?
Plant & Food Research have received $651,553 over 2.5 years for new research investigating whether BerriQi® - a Boysenberry and apple product from Anagenix Ltd - can repair damage to lungs caused by air pollution, a significant threat to human lung health in...
NZ scientists lead the charge to explore benefits of pasture-raised beef and lamb
New Zealanders will be invited to take part in a major research programme to assess the health and well-being benefits of eating pasture-raised beef and lamb, compared to grain-finished meat and plant-based alternatives. Approximately 100 people will be monitored...
Congratulations to Dr Simone Bayer!
Dr Simone Bayer was recently awarded the New Zealand Society of Gastroenterology Inc's Young Investigator award at the Gastro2020 Conference awards dinner for her paper COMFORT-PSYKI: Psyllium and SunGold® kiwifruit are equally effective treatments of constipation...
New Patent Insights Report – Metabolic Health
The latest HVN Science of Food's Patent Insights Report into Metabolic Health shows that there is very strong continued growth in metabolic-related patents, and that the demand in HVN's key export markets is strong. Below is a summary of the Metabolic Health Patent...