News from High-Value Nutrition Ko Ngā Kai Whai Painga
Read our new look newsletter – the September issue
We are excited about the new look for our HVN newsletter. Read the September issue...
Foodomics 2021 to be rescheduled to early 2022
RESCHEDULED TO EARLY 2022 Due to the ongoing lockdown across New Zealand, HVN’s Foodomics 2021 conference will be rescheduled to the first quarter of 2022. We are unable to provide confirmed dates and further details at this time, but will do so as soon as...
What does the HVN Synergy Study involve?
Dr Jennifer Miles-Chan explains what the HVN Synergy Study involves The HVN Metabolic Health priority research programme aims to identify established and novel blood, urine and faecal microbiome markers of increased type 2 diabetes (T2D) risk in Asian Chinese...
Three hundred years (almost) of clinical trials with Vitamin C – from scurvy to Covid-19
By Professor Richard Mithen, HVN Chief Scientist I was reflecting on the challenges of designing food-based human intervention studies that are such an important part of the High-Value Nutrition National Science Challenge (NSC), and was reminded of what is often...
NZ Food Awards – Finalists Announced
We are thrilled to see that two of our innovative industry partners have been nominated as finalists in the 2021 NZ Food Awards. These businesses represent the best of Aotearoa New Zealand's food and beverage producers. Chia Sisters — Immunity Hot Tonic - Beverage...
Applications for the PM’s Science Prizes are now open
Applications for the 2021 Prime Minister's Science Prizes are now open. Closing date for applications is at 5.00pm on Friday 15 October 2021. There are five prizes to be awarded that celebrate and raise the profile of science among New Zealanders. The combined...
New HVN Novel Foods Navigation Tool
The Riddet Institute together with Michelle Cubitt, Regulatory Consultant, Smart Regulatory Solutions, has published an HVN Novel Foods Navigation Tool. This will help businesses identify whether potential foods or ingredients would be considered Novel, and...
Foodomics 2021 – Keynote speakers confirmed – Register now
Register for Foodomics 2021 28-29 September 2021 | Cordis, Auckland We are very excited to announce that all of our Keynote Speakers for our HVN Foodomics 2021 have now been confirmed. We warmly welcome Lynell Tuffery Huria and David Downs to inspire and engage us...
Volunteers wanted for constipation and irritable bowel syndrome study
Do you or a whānau member have trouble with constipation or slow bowels? HVN's Digestive Health Programme is looking for Christchurch-based volunteers aged between 18 and 65 years to help the research team study a natural treatment for constipation symptoms. This...
HVN Atutahi contestable funding in the news
HVN's contestable funding of the Atutahi Kiwi Kai Nelson lightly carbonated range of drinks using Aoteaora New Zealand native leaf (Horopito, Kumarahou and Kawakawa) recently featured in a Stuff online website article. HVN funded a $50,000 development grant, of...