Events from High-Value Nutrition Ko Ngā Kai Whai Painga
HVN Chief Scientist Professor Richard Mithen interviewed on RNZ
Listen to HVN's Chief Scientist Professor Richard Mithen being interviewed by Kathryn Ryan on RNZ's Nine to Noon programme at 11.30am today. Kiwi science stories from the shopping trolley. Listen here. Richard will talk about the contrasting backstories of kūtai...
Top IP tips for functional foods
Don't miss the quick-fire, lunch 'n' learn top IP tips for functional foods webinar by Peter Brown, IP Synergy Director, on Tuesday 3 December 12:00-1:00pm. 30 minute webinar, 30 minutes questions. The first of a series exploring IP trends and insights. This first...
Foodomics 2019 brings international experts on the High-Value Nutrition eco-system to New Zealand
Foodomics 2019, hosted by the High-Value Nutrition National Science Challenge team from the University of Auckland, will provide a platform for the country’s researchers and businesses taking premium foods for health and wellbeing to the world to gather to collaborate and learn about the latest research and opportunities.