
Events from High-Value Nutrition Ko Ngā Kai Whai Painga

Reminder: Register for the HVN Consumer Insights webinar

Plant & Food Research on behalf of HVN are hosting another live Zoom webinar – The impact of Covid-19 on Chinese consumer attitudes to health and diet. Live Zoom Webinar | Tuesday 20 October 2020 | 11:00am In March 2019 an on-line study was commissioned across...

Congratulations to the 2020 Eureka! Award winners

HVN was impressed with the calibre of finalists at the 2020 Sir Paul Callaghan Eureka! Awards at a gala dinner held in the Grand Hall at Parliament. Congratulations to all the finalists and award winners! HVN would particularly like to acknowledge Robbie Marris,...

Invitation to High-Value Nutrition Consumer Insights webinar

Plant & Food Research on behalf of HVN are hosting another live Zoom webinar - The impact of Covid-19 on Chinese consumer attitudes to health and diet. Live Zoom Webinar | Tuesday 20 October 2020 | 11:00am In March 2019 an on-line study was commissioned across...

Watch the judges question the 2020 Eureka! Finalists

High-Value Nutrition is proud to sponsor the 2020 Sir Paul Callaghan Eureka! Awards. For these awards year 11-13 students and tertiary students deliver 12-minute presentations about how an application of science or technology will benefit Aotearoa New Zealand....

HVN Chief Scientist’s Inaugural Lecture

Our very own HVN Chief Scientist Professor Richard Mithen will be giving his (rescheduled) inaugural lecture on Tuesday 13 October and he will share stories from his career and reflect on some of the challenging issues that we are facing today in food and health...

HVN Science of Food Webinar Series – Food Regulation

The Riddet Institute-led High-Value Nutrition Science of Food programme this week hosted a free online seminar for SMEs wanting support in the food regulation space - Critical aspects of food regulation in high-value nutrition export success. Watch the webinar....

HVN Science of Food free webinar

The Riddet Institute-led High-Value Nutrition Science of Food programme is hosting a free online seminar for SMEs wanting support in the food regulation space. HVN Science of Food Webinar Series: Critical aspects of food regulation in high-value nutrition export...