Ten years of facts with impact

Our mission

High-Value Nutrition Ko Ngā Kai Whai Painga is a National Science Challenge with a 10-year mission to grow the science to take Aotearoa New Zealand’s food to the world.

Validating health benefits

Testing, investigating and validating health benefits.

Discovering new products

Identifying potential new
high-value products.

Elevating Aotearoa’s exports

Uncovering insights to increase the value of our exports.

Facts and stats

Our impact

Over the past decade, High-Value Nutrition has worked with businesses across the country to make discoveries that put New Zealand’s food and beverages on the world stage. To keep making an impact, however, we need to keep up the good work.

Facts with impact infographic. Text reads: 60 businesses have partnered with us; 17 of these are Maori-owned businesses; 137 products have been researched; 4 approved patents have been developed with our support. Imagine what more we could do

Case studies

Our discoveries

sliced fresh green kiwifruit
The sleep superpowers of Aotearoa’s kiwifruit

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macadamias on a tree
The impressive health benefits of NZ macadamias

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greenshell mussels
The restorative strength of Greenshell™ mussels

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Future funding

Our potential

With more funding, High-Value Nutrition can continue to uncover even more impactful facts about New Zealand’s food that could benefit population health, elevate what our country has to offer, and boost the value of
our exports.

Infographic of text on photo of blackberrries. Text reads: the impact of future funding. 10 years of continued research means: New Zealand's food and beverage sector can remain globally competitive; validated health benefits & new products can boost exports; SMEs can have the resource to develop validated health claims; New Zealand can retain some our brightest scientific minds.

Let’s keep a good thing going

High-Value Nutrition along with our partners in the food and beverage sector have made a powerful impact over the last 10 years. Help us keep up our good work by sharing it.