Opportunity to add skills, ideas, experience to the Challenge
If you have a great idea or special expertise that you think would help High-Value Nutrition’s science teams meet their targets for the next five years (2019-2024) of the Challenge’s mission, then this is a gentle reminder that the deadline for the initial application...Challenge report: surge in microbiome patents for infant health
The latest Scanning the Horizon report from High-Value Nutrition examines the patent landscape for potential foods in Infant Health, a key Challenge research theme. The report says there has been a massive explosion in the patent landscape for gut microbiome targeted...
Foodomics 2019
Foodomics 2019 is where the country’s researchers and businesses taking premium foods for health and wellbeing to the world gather to collaborate, learn about the latest research and opportunities and network.
International Science Advisory Panel visits New Zealand
The Challenge hosted the three current members of the Science Advisory Panel Chair Professor Sean Strain, Professor Nancy Krebs and Professor Philip Calder for an intensive two and a half day workshop with the Challenge’s Science Leadership Team
Workshops offer insight to inform 5-year science plan
High-Value Nutrition has completed a successful stakeholder planning project, with 114 participants offering their insight and perspective on the Challenge’s science direction for the next five years at a series of workshops held late last year.