HVN highlights functional benefits to boost exports
HVN Challenge Director Joanne Todd highlighted three prominent studies – kiwifruit, wagyu beef and greenshell mussels – conducted as part of the Challenge when recently speaking at the Healthy Ageing APAC Summit. The High-Value Nutrition National Science...High-Value Nutrition National Science Challenge announces $3.5M new investment for consumer and food science research
The High-Value Nutrition National Science Challenge has today announced a $3.5 million research investment funding for two Research Programmes, which are in addition to the four programmes previously announced in June. The new programmes will foster strong science and...High-Value Nutrition National Science Challenge announces $22.4M investment for health research
The High-Value Nutrition National Science Challenge has today announced a $22.4 million research investment funding for four successful Priority Research Programmes; which are all science and business collaborations, and will each receive research investment over the...
FoodFort: New tool for functional food designers
The Riddet Institute has recently announced the development of FoodFort, which forms part of the Institute’s work on the High Value Nutrition (HVN) National Science Challenge Ko Ngā Kai Whai Painga.

Foodomics 2019 brings international experts on the High-Value Nutrition eco-system to New Zealand
Foodomics 2019, hosted by the High-Value Nutrition National Science Challenge team from the University of Auckland, will provide a platform for the country’s researchers and businesses taking premium foods for health and wellbeing to the world to gather to collaborate and learn about the latest research and opportunities.