27 Aug, 2020 | Capacity Building, High-Value Nutrition, News
HVN has funding available to support post-graduate (Masters or PhD) research projects that align with the Challenge’s purposeful investment in Food for Health research with a Systems Nutrition approach, Capacity Building to support high-value food sectors, and its...
21 Aug, 2020 | High-Value Nutrition, News, Priority research theme
Entries for the 2020 round of the Prime Minister’s Science Prizes are now open. There are five prizes in total, with a combined value of $1,000,000. These prizes recognise the impact of science on New Zealanders’ lives, celebrate the achievements of current scientists...
22 Jul, 2020 | Digestive Health, High-Value Nutrition, News, Priority research theme
Watch Professor Nicole Roy, HVN Science Theme Leader for the Challenge’s Digestive Health Priority Research Programme, talk about how her team’s research investigates the microbiome in the gut and aims to understand ways to optimize gut function to assist...
8 Jul, 2020 | High-Value Nutrition, News
In June, Koi Tū: The Centre for Informed Futures based at the University of Auckland and led by Sir Peter Gluckman published their report THE FUTURE OF FOOD & THE PRIMARY SECTOR: THE JOURNEY TO SUSTAINABILITY. This is an excellent report that discusses many...
8 Jul, 2020 | Consumer Insights, High-Value Nutrition, News
Recordings of the recent HVN Consumer Insights webinar series are now available: Chinese Consumer Attitudes to Gut health Chinese Consumer Attitudes to Metabolic Health Chinese Doctors Attitudes to Diet & Health Social Media in China ...
1 Jul, 2020 | High-Value Nutrition, Immune Health, News
In our latest video Dr Olivier Gasser, HVN Science Theme Leader for the Challenge’s Immune Health Priority Research Programme, talks about how science excellence around food can modify the immune system. Dr Gasser’s fascinating research investigates...