New HVN Novel Foods Navigation Tool

New HVN Novel Foods Navigation Tool

The Riddet Institute together with Michelle Cubitt, Regulatory Consultant, Smart Regulatory Solutions, has published an HVN Novel Foods Navigation Tool. This will help businesses identify whether potential foods or ingredients would be considered Novel, and provides a...

HVN Atutahi contestable funding in the news

HVN’s contestable funding of the Atutahi Kiwi Kai Nelson lightly carbonated range of drinks using Aoteaora New Zealand native leaf (Horopito, Kumarahou and Kawakawa) recently featured in a Stuff online website article. HVN funded a $50,000 development grant, of...
HVN PhD candidate interviewed on RNZ Rural News

HVN PhD candidate interviewed on RNZ Rural News

Listen to HVN PhD candidate Alex Kanon being interviewed on RNZ Rural News about his study, which examines the effects of green kiwifruit on sleep quality and the sleep-wake cycle in healthy males. The study has recently been awarded funding of $31,800 over 12 months...