27 Sep, 2021 | Infant Health, News
Congratulations to Professor Clare Wall, HVN’s Principal Investigator on our Infant Health Priority Research Programme and Science Leadership Team member, who was recently awarded the Dietitians NZ Award for Excellence. Clare was recognised for her role in...
9 Sep, 2021 | Industry partner, News
The vitality and sustainability of the Aotearoa New Zealand food and beverage (F&B) sector is of critical importance to the New Zealand economy, and to the health of the New Zealand population. HVN has appointed a science leadership team to deliver a new,...
9 Sep, 2021 | Events, News
Collaborating across disciplines to deliver better food & nutrition outcomes Register now. Tuesday 16 – Friday 19 November 2021 Co-hosted by the Riddet Institute and CSIRO in Australia. This event will be going ahead as a completely virtual event. Webinar...