We welcome Dr Fiona Lithander to our SLT team

Dr Fiona Lithander has joined High-Value Nutrition Science Leadership Team from the University of Bristol to take the role of Associate Professor in Nutrition. Fiona is a registered dietitian and nutrition scientist who took her PhD in nutritional physiology from the...

Come and join the HVN team

We are currently recruiting for a Communications and Marketing Senior Adviser. We are looking for an individual who will effectively build the profile of the National Science Challenge, High-Value Nutrition hosted by the University of Auckland. You will be primarily...

HVN’s journey towards data maturity

Data maturity is the journey towards improving our ability to use data in a way that adheres to FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable), CARE (Collective Benefit, Authority to Control, Responsibility, Ethics) and Māori data sovereignty principles. By...

Food Transitions PhD positions available

Food Transitions recently announced 16 PhD positions within the Food Transitions 2050 Joint Postgraduate School – commencing in March 2022. Many of these PhD positions are relevant to our HVN Challenge. Applications close on Friday 5 November 2021. Food...