Data maturity is the journey towards improving our ability to use data in a way that adheres to FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable), CARE (Collective Benefit, Authority to Control, Responsibility, Ethics) and Māori data sovereignty principles.
By creating a mature data ecosystem that allows frictionless data sharing, we can foster collaboration across multi-disciplinary and cross-institutional teams. Our data maturity framework helps us identify strengths and gaps in HVN’s data management processes, as well as opportunities to streamline them.
This journey has included designing templates and guides which equip project research personnel with the knowledge and materials necessary to plan for their research data throughout its lifecycle. We are also developing a metadata catalogue which will be a searchable record of descriptive information about the projects and datasets in HVN.
Meta-data catalog
What is the difference between data and meta-data?
Data, the information that researchers gather from participants in clinical trials or any kind of study, needs to be organised.
Meta-data includes information about where data is stored, it’s format, and how it can be used. For published academic works, it establishes attribution and provides identifiers that might link to information such as the ethics under which the trial was conducted, for example.
Meta-data is important because it enables good decisions to be made about the data in the future.
Get involved?
Want to know more about the project? Feel free to contact us.
Meet the team
Dr. Dharani Sontam has been involved with the research data management project since its inception. A molecular biologist by training, she has developed a keen interest and expertise in research data and related topics. She is currently a part of the engagement team at the Centre for eResearch, University of Auckland.
Contact Dharani:
Robert Carter is part of the team at the Centre for eResearch at the University of Auckland. His work on the HVN project involves building a meta-data catalogue.
With a background in Biological Sciences and Information Systems, Yvette Wharton is the eResearch Solutions Lead at CeR. She collaborates nationally and internationally to improve research data management practices, skills, and infrastructure. Yvette is passionate about enabling researchers by promoting research best practice and developing novel solutions.
Contact Yvette:
Want to know more about the project ? Feel free to contact the team: Dr. Dharani Sontam or Yvette Wharton.