Read about the research behind the numbers in the High-Value Nutrition National Science Challenge 2023-24 Annual Report: A Year in Review.
- Completion of the clinical phases of all research projects, with preliminary findings showing the positive benefits of NZ food and beverage (F&B) products on the health of consumers.
- 46 Peer-reviewed publications have been published in the last 12 months, the majority in the upper quartile of Impact Factor for the journals in its field.
- The He Rourou Whai Painga study reaching a significant milestone in June with the final 12-month visit from study participant 200 and their whānau. The visit marks the end of data collection for the study.
- 180 delegates attended Foodomics 2024, the final conference of HVN, with 70 presentations highlighting HVN outputs and business impacts.
- 70 media articles were published over the last year highlighting HVN projects and their findings.
- 2 dietary studies (He Rourou Whai Painga and SYNERGY) having shown that consuming a diet comprised of predominantly NZ produced F&B can improve markers of metabolic health and wellbeing.