Over the summer of 2020-2021, the Pūhoro STEM Academy with the support of HVN and Our Land and Water National Science Challenges, supported 47 work experience and STEM internships for Year 13 and tertiary students. The work experience and internships were a great success both for interns and for their host organisations. In preparation for the 2021–2022 summer period the Pūhoro STEM Academy invites Expressions of Interest for host opportunities.
Pūhoro is a complete STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) pipeline for young Māori that supports engagement from secondary school through tertiary education and into employment. Pūhoro seeks to increase and improve Māori STEM engagement that will lead to improved diversity and mātauranga Māori expertise across the STEM landscape.
Applications for the Pūhoro STEM Academy internships are due mid-September 2021.